
Cofco resumes operations in Argentina unit after Covid-19 outbreak

Aug, 03, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 202031

Cofco resumed operating its oilseed crushing and exporting unit in Timbúes, Argentina, which had been paralyzed since July 27 after the confirmation of 12 cases of Covid-19 among workers.  All twelve of them tested positive but are now asymptomatic. Another 77 workers underwent the exam and had negative results. The outbreak occurred in the sampling sector, where agricultural products are received at the Timbúes port facility, on the Paraná River, the main grain waterway in the country.

The plant employs 350 workers and has an annual capacity of 6.5 million tonnes of grain. The grain sector in Argentina is currently the main source of dollars in the country.  “Timbúes is largely operational and full capacity available, and we expect the sampling station to also return to operation on Wednesday this week,” said Allan Virtanen, director of communications for Cofco International. “The plant will not receive trucks until the sampling station is operational again. But for now, there is enough stock to crush and load vessels, ”he added.

Source: Reuters


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