total coffee exports

Coffee export volumes grow in May

Jun, 11, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201925

The volume of Brazilian coffee exported in May 2019 grew 103.5% compared to May 2018, according to Cecafé, Brazil´s Coffee Exporters Council. The result includes green, soluble, roasted and ground coffee.

Despite this, the average price per bag exported was the lowest for May since 2015, according to the agency, with the average price per bag at US$118.26, a 22.6% year-on-year drop. The fall in price was caused by a glut in the coffee supply on the world market, with prices continuing to fall to historical lows.

According to the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex), the improvement in coffee shipments in May compared to the same month last year was expected, considering that 2018 exports were hampered by low supply and the impact of the truckers strike.

The following graph uses Dataliner data to show the monthly trend in coffee exports between 2006 and April 2019:

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