
Coffee exports to China have grown by 16% per annum over the last decade

Apr, 28, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202019

According to the International Coffee Organization, coffee consumption in China has by 16% per year over the past decade, and its market is expected to grow to around 300 billion yuan (US$42.3 billion) in the coming years. With this, the country that traditionally consumes tea can become one of the most promising markets in the world for the coffee industry.

Eduardo Heron Santos, technical director of the Council of Coffee Exporters in Brazil (Cecafé), said that Brazilian coffee exports to China increased by more than 110% from 2015 to 2019, driven by the popularity of coffee among China’s urban youth.

Although the number of coffee consumers is increasing rapidly, per capita coffee consumption in the country is still at an early stage compared to Western countries. Statistics show that per capita coffee consumption in Finland is 1,200 cups, and in Japan and Korea, 180 cups a year, whilst mainland China consumers still only consume six cups a year.

Santos said international coffee chains such as Starbucks could boost coffee growth in China, a country that has traditionally been a tea lover. “We currently export twice as much as five years ago. Brazilian producers and exporters need to discuss a planning strategy for China in order to meet growing demand,” he said.

Source: Comex do Brasil

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