Coffee growers start harvesting in Brazil

May, 15, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202420

Coffee growers have commenced harvesting across Brazil. For Arabica coffee, harvesting is in its early stages, with the volume collected reaching a maximum of 10% of the total production in most areas monitored by the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea) at Esalq/USP.

The most advanced regions include Paulista (Graça), Zona da Mata in Minas Gerais, and the Northwest of Paraná, with harvest progress ranging between 5% and 10%. Producers in nearly all locations have reported low yields at this initial stage of the season, with lower quality for the youngest beans, which are green and small, according to Cepea researchers.

For Robusta coffee, the harvest in Rondônia and Espírito Santo is further along compared to Arabica, which is typical for this variety. However, the initial batches also exhibit low quality. Cepea data indicates that approximately 30% of the coffee in Rondônia has been harvested, while Espírito Santo has seen between 10% and 20% of its crop collected.

As of Tuesday, May 14, the Cepea/Esalq indicator for Arabica coffee showed an average price of R$1,124.78 per 60-kilogram bag, reflecting a 9.86% decrease since the beginning of May. The price for Robusta coffee stood at R$948.60 per bag, marking a 16.40% decline over the same period.

Source: Globo Rural

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