Coffee harvest will reach 55m bags next year, down from 60m this year
Dec, 18, 2018 Posted by datamarnewsWeek 201851
Brazil’s largest coffee producer, 3corações projected the country’s 2019 coffee harvest will reach 55m (60-kg) bags, compared to the record 60m bags registered this year. The company also estimates Arabica coffee production will slump to 35m bags next year, compared to 44m bags in 2018, while robusta coffee output will jump to 20m bags, compared to this year’s 16m bags. However, 64% of Brazil’s coffee crop was sold by December 10 this year, compared to 66% YoY, according to consultancy Safras & Mercado.
The following chart shows how Brazil’s coffee exports have picked up pace since July this year, with an YoY comparison:
Supporting Sources:
Brazil’s 2018 coffee sales slightly behind pace
SAO PAULO, Dec 13 (Reuters) – Brazil’s 2018 coffee crop was 64 percent sold through Dec. 10, slightly behind the 66 percent achieved at this time last year and a 5-year average of 66 percent, consultancy Safras & Mercado said on Thursday.
Safras estimated that 38.7 million 60-kg bags from the current record crop, which it projects at 60.5 million 60-kg bags, have been sold by farmers so far.
Gil Barabach, a Safras & Mercado coffee analyst, said the sales pace slackened recently due to lower prices.
Safras said arabica coffee sales were at 61 percent of the crop, compared with 64 percent, on average, for this period, while robusta sales were at 73 percent of the crop, ahead of the average of 70 percent.
Brazil will likely have a smaller crop next year since arabica trees alternate years of high and low production. But the weather has been favorable, leading analysts to not expect a large decline.
Brazil likely to produce another large coffee crop in 2019 – company
SAO PAULO, Dec 6 (Reuters) – Brazil’s 2019 coffee crop is seen at 55 million (60-kg) bags after the record harvest of 60 million bags in 2018, according to a projection from Brazil’s largest coffee processing company, the 3corações coffee group.
The company estimates that arabica coffee production will fall to 35 million bags next year, compared to 44 million bags in 2018. It sees robusta coffee output growing to 20 million bags next year versus 16 million bags in 2018
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