preço do café

Coffee shipments from the Port of Santos grow year-on-year

Nov, 21, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202247

Between January and October, the Port of Santos received 26.1 million 60-kilogram bags of coffee. Compared to the same period in 2021, the volume represents a 2% increase in exports. Today, the Santos port accounts for 81% of all commodity shipments in the country.

The data are from the Brazilian Coffee Exporters Council (Cecafé). In total, 22 Brazilian ports shipped coffee in the 10-month period. Among them are the ports of Rio de Janeiro, responsible for the shipment of 4.6 million bags, 14.5% of the total. The Port of Vitória, the second-ranked port, shipped 212,648 bags, 0.7% of the total. Another 299,172 bags were shipped from the Port of Paranaguá (PR), representing 0.9% of the Brazilian coffee sold to the international market.

See below the track record of the volume of coffee (hs code 0900, 0901) exported from Brazil between Jan 2019 and Sep 2022. The data is from Dataliner.

Coffee exports from Port of Santos | Jan 2019 – Sep 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Despite the growth in exports, there was a drop in the use of containers to transport coffee. While 94,267 TEUs carried the product in the first ten months last year, this number dropped to 88,576 TEUs this year.

Source: A Tribuna

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