
Commission approves project facilitating export of beef offal

Sep, 20, 2019 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 210939

The Committee on Economic Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services of the Chamber of Deputies approved on Wednesday (09/18) a proposal that authorizes companies that are part of the Brazilian System of Inspection of Animal Products (Sisbi-Poa) to export to other countries the by-products of cattle and buffalo slaughter that have no food demand in the country.

Sisbi was created by the federal government to standardize animal product inspection procedures for municipalities, states, and the Federal District.

The objective of the project is to allow local companies operating under Sisbi to be on the same sanitary level as federally inspected companies, giving them the possibility to export.

Bill 4314/16, by Deputy Jerônimo Goergen (PP-RS), was seen as favorable to Deputy Robério Monteiro (PDT-CE). Monteiro proposed a substitute, with adjustments to the original wording. “Some spoils like bovine artery and tendons are much appreciated by Chinese while the domestic market has little interest in such delicacies,” said the rapporteur.

The approved version states that the export may be direct or indirect through establishments with federal supervision.

The proposal amends Law 1283/50, which deals with industrial and sanitary inspection of products of animal origin.


The bill will now be analyzed conclusively by the Commission of Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

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