Ports and Terminals

Companies back tariff collection change at the Port of Vitoria

Mar, 24, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202315

Sindiex (Espirito Santo Export and Import Trade Union) supports the tariff changes that Vports (formerly Codesa) will implement on May 17, which have recently sparked controversy. According to the union, the new tariff table will lower fees for 80% of the cargo freight in Vitória’s port complex. The fee is charged for using the VTMIS electronic navigation aid system.

According to Vports, for some unknown reason, the ships that dock in Capuaba and Downtown Vitória pay proportionally more for using VTMIS. On the other hand, the vessels that call at the Tubarão terminals – which are also part of the organized port structure and receive much larger vessels – do not contribute in the same proportion.

As a result of this equation, those who use the Port of Vitória pay significantly more than those who use the Tubaro Port Complex. The VTMIS fee at the ports of Tubaro (Vale) and Praia Mole (ArcelorMittal, Usiminas, and Gerdau) will increase from R$ 1,103.50 per access to R$ 18,729.65 per access on May 17, representing a 1,597.3% increase. On the other hand, cargo entering through Capuaba and Downtown Vitória, which accounts for nearly all of the cargo brought by trading companies, will pay less.

To read the original news report, access: Empresas de importação e exportação apoiam mudança tarifária no Porto de Vitória | A Gazeta

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