Ports and Terminals

Congress Approves External Credit Operation for Santos Infrastructure Program

Jun, 19, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202425

The Senate Plenary, in a symbolic vote on Tuesday (18), approved a draft resolution sanctioning an external credit operation of US$105 million between the municipality of Santos (SP) and the Andean Development Corporation (CAF). The funds are earmarked to finance the Macrodrainage, Accessibility, Innovation, and Sustainability Program of Santos — known as Santos Mais.

PRS 16/2024, passed on an urgent basis, is set to proceed for promulgation.

Crafted by the Economic Affairs Commission (CAE), the project stipulates that the credit operation will receive backing from the Union. The authorization’s maximum validity period is 540 days, starting from its publication.

Senator Esperidião Amin, the rapporteur on the matter at CAE, celebrated the approval.

“I hope this marks a significant step forward for Santos in terms of macro-drainage and protection against growing threats to coastal cities such as erosion and flooding, which are increasingly causing accidents and climate disasters across the Brazilian coast,” he remarked.

Source: Jaguariaiva em Foco

Click here to read the original news piece: https://www.jaguariaivaemfoco.com.br/noticia/85254/autorizada-operacao-de-emprestimo-para-melhorias-no-porto-de-santos

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