Ports and Terminals

Container operations set to return to Itajaí through partnership with Port of Santos

Jun, 26, 2023 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202325

The city of Itajaí and the Brazilian Federal Government jointly announced that containers will resume being handled at the Port of Itajaí during a press conference on Monday (26). The move will be facilitated through a partnership with the Port of Santos, with maintenance overseen by the Public Municipal Port Authority and utilization of local labor. This measure is expected to be implemented within approximately a month, with Marcelo Sodré, the deputy mayor of Itajaí, assuming the role of Port Superintendent to oversee the operations.

“It is crucial for us to have box ships returning to our port, and I believe that the solution offered through this partnership may be the key. Let us join our ideas and efforts in this immediate solution for the economy of our city, our port, port workers, businessmen, and the entire State of Santa Catarina, which is also affected by this situation,” emphasized Volnei Morastoni, the mayor of Itajaí.

The stopgap solution was presented by Décio Lima, the former federal deputy and current national president of Sebrae, who represented the Federal Government at the meeting held earlier. Lima stated that the partnership with the Port of Santos was the most immediate alternative for resuming operations in Itajaí. On Sunday (25), this solution was discussed and approved by all categories of port workers in the city.

“The Port of Itajaí will remain under public and city-controlled Port Authority, and that is not to be changed. To swiftly address the issue of not having ships coming to dock, a portion of the Port of Santos’ operation will be transferred to the Port of Itajaí. If the Minister of Ports approves this plan, in 30 days tops, we will have ships operating here, facilitating cargo handling and providing income for port workers. Additionally, we will discuss the 30-year lease contract or the extension of the transitional contract for 24 months,” explained Décio Lima.

The partnership with the Port of Santos relocates part of the cargo bound initially there to Itajaí. The deal also includes the supply of all necessary equipment and labor force. Décio Lima stated that discussions regarding this process would commence on Tuesday (27) with the Ministry of Ports. He also emphasized the importance of transforming the Superintendence of the Port of Itajaí into a public company to oversee the final concession of the terminal to the private sector.

Please see below a chart displaying the Port of Itajaí’s container movement from Jan 2019 to Dec 2022. The data is from DataLiner.

Container movement – Itajaí | Jan 2019 – Dec 2022 | TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Deputy Mayor Assumes Port Superintendency

This week, Deputy Mayor Marcelo Sodré is expected to assume the role of Port Superintendent to initiate the next steps in resuming operations. “The support that the Federal Government is providing at this moment is crucial. Assuming the position of Port Superintendent is a challenge, given my previous role as the commercial director of the port. I have been closely monitoring the situation, and we will do everything in our power to restore container movement at our port, as it is vital for the entire economy of Itajaí and Santa Catarina,” highlighted Marcelo Sodré.

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