Escalas de navios contêineres, Containership calls
Vessel Calls

Containership calls at Brazilian ports fall 0.5% year-on-year

Feb, 11, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202206

In January, 602 containerships docked in Brazilian ports, a 0.5% decrease from the same month in 2021. However, there were 157 calls registered at the Port of Santos, the largest in Latin America, a 1.9% increase from January 2021, when there were 154 calls.

Compared to the previous month, December 2021, the decrease was greater: 4%.

Check the chart below for the calls of container ships in Brazilian ports per month as of January 2021:

Containership calls at Brazilian ports per month | Jan 2022 to Jan 2021

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Below is a comparison of containership calls in January 2022 and January 2021 by port:

Containership calls in Brazil by port | Jan 2022 to Jan 2021

wdt_ID Brasil 202101 202201 Diff %
1 Itaqui 2 5 150.0%
2 Vila Do Conde 10 14 40.0%
3 Rio De Janeiro 39 52 33.3%
4 Navegantes 45 60 33.3%
5 Natal 3 4 33.3%
6 Suape 37 40 8.1%
7 Itapoa 43 45 4.7%
8 Pecem 32 33 3.1%
9 Santos 154 157 1.9%
10 Imbituba 4 4 0.0%
11 Paranagua 63 56 -11.1%
12 Manaus 17 15 -11.8%
13 Salvador 40 33 -17.5%
14 Rio Grande 38 31 -18.4%
15 Vitoria 16 13 -18.8%
16 Itajai 29 20 -31.0%
17 Fortaleza 6 4 -33.3%
18 Itaguai 27 16 -40.7%
19 Total 605 602 -0.5%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Multipurpose ships

The survey carried out by Datamar also pointed out that despite the high value of freight, 2021 saw an increase in the number of containers transported by multipurpose ships in Brazil as an attempt to circumvent the logistical problems that persisted throughout the year.

These ships handled 10,367 TEUS in 2021, compared to 830 in 2020 (12 times higher) and only 219 in 2019. Check below a comparison of these volumes month by month:

Transport of containers on a multipurpose ship |Jan-Dec 2019-2021| TEU

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

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