
Corn exports from Brazil soar in July month-to-date

Jul, 19, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202228

Corn exports from Brazil totaled 174,600 tonnes per day, recorded until the third week of July, a substantial increase of 93% compared to the daily average of 90,500 tonnes shipped by the country in July last year, showed data from the Department of Foreign Trade (Secex) released on the 18th.

Such a move takes place amid the harvest of the second corn crop, with an increase in the availability of grains destined for shipment overseas. Last year, corn crops were terribly affected by drought and severe frosts.

As a result, the data shows exports of 1.92 million tonnes of corn this month, a volume very close to the total of 1.99 million shipped in the entire month of July 2021.

See below the track record of corn exports from Brazil from January 2020 to May 2022. The data are from DataLiner.

Corn exports from Brazil | January 2021 – May 2022 | WTMT

Fonte: DataLiner (clique aqui para solicitar uma demonstração)

Also, according to Secex, soybeans – the main product of the country’s export basket – reached a daily average of 456.8 thousand tonnes in the period, against 394.07 thousand in July 2021.

For sugar, shipments reached a daily average of 160.9 thousand tonnes until the third week of this month, versus 112.2 thousand tonnes in the same comparison.

Source: Money Times

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