
Corn: line-up forecasts shipments of 8.188M tonnes in Aug

Aug, 18, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202233

The line-up, the schedule of shipments in Brazilian ports, indicated that 8.188 million tonnes of corn could be exported in August, according to an assessment by consultancy SAFRAS & Mercado.

See below the track record of Brazilian corn exports from January 2019 to June 2022. The chart below was done using data gathered by Datamar’s business intelligence team in the platform DataLiner.

Corn exports from Brazil | Jan 2019 – Jun 2022 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The volume shipped so far this month totals 3.499 million tonnes. The grain shipment forecast for September is 971,715 tonnes. So far, the shipment schedule from February 22 to January 23 indicates a total volume of 19.276 million tonnes of corn.

Source: Canal Rural

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