Other Logistics

Coruripe invests R$ 70 million in railroad to expedite sugar flow to Santos

Oct, 31, 2020 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202045

On Thursday, October 29, Usina Coruripe began installing a R$ 70 million railroad terminal in Iturama (MG). The objective is to streamline the flow of sugar to the port of Santos via Rumo Malha Central’s North-South railway.

Set to begin in January, the work should be completed in the first half of 2022. The new mining terminal is expected to export 2 million tons of VHP sugar per year.

The plan is for the terminal to service plants throughout the region within a radius of up to 500 kilometers. This covers the entire Minas triangle and southern Goiás.

The terminal is designed to receive 10,000 tons of sugar per day. The project foresees two tippers, a warehouse with a capacity to store 40 thousand tons of sugar, and a 1,500 ton-per-hour wagon load. The occupied area is estimated at 20 hectares.

Source: Valor Econômico

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