Bollgard II RR Flex (B2RF)
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Cotton producers sue Monsanto

Jul, 11, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201929

The Mato Grosso Cotton Producers Association is going to sue Monsanto (acquired by Bayer in 2018) seeking the annulment of the patent for the genetically modified seed Bollgard II RR Flex, one of the most used in the country. According to Valor, the entity will also request the return of royalties paid by cotton growers in the state since the seed’s launch in 2013. The bill would reach US$150m.

For the association, the seed, known in the market as B2RF, does not have enough innovations that justify the payment of the royalties charged. This seed is a combination of Bollgard’s second generation, caterpillar tolerant, and Roundup Ready, resistant to the herbicide of the same name, developed by Monsanto, whose patents expired. The agency says there is “insufficient description” in the patent application made by Monsanto.

Bayer (head of Monsanto) said that “patents (four) of this technology followed the strictest examination rules and all patentability requirements were properly met.”

Source: Valor

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