Ports and Terminals

Council wish to include Santos Port Authority in privatization program

Jun, 15, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202224

The Council of the Investment Partnerships Program (PPI) recommended including the privatization of the Santos Port Authority and related public port services in the PPI agenda and the Federal Government’s National Privatization Program (PND). Such a resolution is available in Brazil’s Federal Gazette dated June 14.

According to the document, the concession of the Port of Santos’ public administration service will be made in conjunction with the transfer of SPA’s shareholder control.

See below the track record of Brazilian exports of containerized cargo via the Port of Santos from January 2021 to March 2022. These data are from Datamar’s DataLiner.

Containerized Cargo at the Port of Santos | Jan 2021 – Mar 2022 | TEUS

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

The Council also recommended, if approved by the President of the Republic, that the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) be the entity responsible for executing and monitoring the privatization auctions.

The resolution says that the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) will be able to monitor the technical studies contracted by BNDES and examine, within the scope of its competence, the draft of the port service concession contract.

Source: CNN

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.cnnbrasil.com.br/business/conselho-do-ppi-recomenda-inclusao-no-pnd-da-autoridade-portuaria-de-santos/

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