Ports and Terminals

Court bans “ghost ship” from docking in the Port of Suape

Nov, 11, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202245

On the evening of November 9, the Federal Court in Pernambuco issued an emergency injunction ordering the Navy to immediately suspend the forced berthing of the tugboat transporting scrap from the São Paulo aircraft carrier. The convoy has been on the coast of Pernambuco since early October and has earned the moniker “ghost ship.”

Federal judge Ubiratan de Couto Maurício signed the decision at the request of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Pernambuco (PGE-PE) and the Suape Industrial Port Complex. The magistrate also determined a daily fine of R$ 100 thousand in case of non-compliance.

The Navy communicated the forced berthing operation to the Port of Suape in a document on Tuesday night, November 8.

In response to an action by the State Government, the Judiciary recognized the environmental and operational risks of docking scrap from an old aircraft carrier.

Sold for dismantling to a Turkish company, the hull of the former aircraft carrier, carried by the tugboat Alp Centre, departed Rio de Janeiro in August but was prevented from passing through the Strait of Gibraltar after the Turkish Ministry of Environment suspended the authorization it had previously received.

It has since roamed the Atlantic Ocean. However, no port will accept it because it contains at least ten tonnes of asbestos and is suspected of carrying toxic and radioactive waste.

In the decision, the federal judge grants “anticipatory injunction, as a precedent, to impose the defendants – under penalty of a daily fine of R$ 100 thousand in the event of non-compliance, without prejudice to the responsibility for the crimes of disobedience and environmental, in addition to the civil liability for damages – the following obligation to do:”

“Immediately suspend any measure aimed at determining the forced berthing of the former aircraft carrier São Paulo at the Port of Suape or, if this comes to fruition, promote the immediate withdrawal of the vessel, bearing all the inherent costs and risks.”

Source: Jornal do Comércio

To read the full original article, please go to: https://jc.ne10.uol.com.br/pernambuco/2022/11/15118470-justica-proibe-que-navio-fantasma-atraque-no-porto-de-suape-litoral-de-pernambuco.html

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