Ports and Terminals

Court says Paranagua may charge THC2 again; Santos should not be affected

Aug, 29, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202234

The substitute federal judge of the 1st Federal Court of Paranaguá (PR), Guilherme Roman Borges, reinstated the tariff known as Terminal Handling Charge II at the Port of Paranaguá. The preliminary injunction was granted at the Paranaguá Container Terminal (TCP) request. The decision was taken on the 5th, and it is possible to appeal.

For the president of the Brazilian Association of Container Terminals (Abratec), Caio Morel, this decision can signal the definitive return of the rate to ports throughout the country, which would favor the port market. However, Abratec awaits a final decision from the Federal Supreme Court (STF) before celebrating.

“I’m glad that we managed, in this case, to lift the ban (of THC2). This is worth celebrating, and it signals a possible return of the tariff for other terminals. There are several judicial actions around, and we shall see how they end up,” he says. TCP declined to comment on the decision.

The National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq) suspended the charge on July 28, under the guidance of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU).

THC2 is charged at dry ports. Maritime terminals charge this fee for removing containers from storage piles, which makes their transport feasible.

According to the TCU advisory, the decision was suspended following an appeal filed by Antaq, whose rapporteur is Minister Augusto Nardes.

Abratec’s president does not believe that the decision taken regarding Paranaguá will reflect on the Port of Santos’ cargo throughput.

“This decision impacts a minimal volume within the logistical chain. Opting for costly road travel between Paranagua and Santos makes no sense to avoid THC2. In this respect, it shall have no effect,” Caio Morel agues.

Source: A Tribuna

To read the full original article, please go to: shorturl.at/gJKMV

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