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Covid: Brazil extends drug import rules

Aug, 31, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202135

The board of ANVISA (the national health surveillance agency), once again extended the validity of special rules for importing priority drugs in the context of the public health emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Resolution 483, published this year, facilitates the process of importing new medical devices and priority medicines defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) to treat Covid-19. The standard dispenses with the obligation of sanitary regularization of the product to be imported on an exceptional basis, maintaining requirements such as guaranteeing quality, safety, and efficacy and monitoring the use of the product in the market.

The CEO of ANVISA, Antônio Barra Torres, highlighted the need to maintain the immunization campaign and preventive care to prevent the circulation of the virus and the proliferation of coronavirus cases. “New uncertainties are arising, like the Delta variant. We have to maintain the non-pharmacological measures, we have to convince the population that vaccination is necessary”, he commented.

Source: ANBA – Brazil-Arab News Agency

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