CS Porto Aratu invests R$20 million in a new sulfur storage yard
Oct, 05, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202339
ACS Porto Aratu, a company controlled by CS Infra, a part of the Simpar Group, has inaugurated a dedicated sulfur storage yard at terminal ATU-12 in the Port of Aratu, with a capacity to receive and store 150,000 tonnes of sulfur and coke. A total of R$ 20 million was allocated for yard modernization, which included restructuring the entire fire network, drainage, paving, revitalization of the areas, earthworks, and roadway construction.
The space’s modernization and revitalization reaffirm the company’s commitment to contributing to the state’s economy and positioning the Port of Aratu as a route for receiving various products, including bulk minerals such as sulfur and coke. The facility can receive and store 100,000 tonnes of sulfur and 50,000 tonnes of coke.
“This inauguration represents a milestone in the port’s history and for its surroundings. The operation is the result of the CS Porto Aratu teams’ dedication and expertise, and it will have a positive impact on the local and national economies. Furthermore, the adjustments made also enabled CS Portos to become a customs warehouse,” explains Marcos Tourinho, CEO of CS Porto Aratu.
The first cargo handled in the new yard was discharged with Itafos Fertilizantes Group. The product stored in the space at terminal ATU-12 will be transported to Arraias, in the state of Tocantins.
According to Itafos Commercial and Supply Director Roberto Barretto, the port represents an important expansion opportunity for the company. “From a logistical and tax standpoint, it is an operation that makes a lot of sense. With an experienced and trusted partner, we gain agility and competitiveness while reducing costs significantly. Compared to the previous logistics operation, we achieved a cost reduction of approximately 30%,” says the manager.
By the end of December, another 30,000 tonnes of sulfur will be stored in the yard. “Since the beginning of this concession, the entire team has been committed to raising the level of service offered in the terminals and increasing the productivity of the areas. With a primary focus on the port’s customers and users,” says Tourinho.
Over 100 direct and indirect jobs were generated during the yard’s construction period. During the current operation phase, about 300 employees, including direct and indirect staff, will be responsible for managing the infrastructure of 163,723 m² (total area), and approximately 600 jobs will be created through the construction, which will peak in 2024.
Throughout 2024, with the peak of the construction and equipment installations, “we will have some scheduled stops at TGSI to ensure that everything is ready by the end of 2024, and in 2025, the change in operation will be total, with the port’s customers having an entirely new, modern, and fully automated infrastructure with six times the current productivity and much more capacity in both berths and storage,” Tourinho states.
Investments in the Port of Aratu
CS Porto Aratu won the auction at the end of 2020. The company has already invested over R$ 105 million in improvement and modernization works at terminals ATU-12 and ATU-18 in the Port of Aratu (BA). The company took over the effective management of the terminals in June 2022 and plans to invest over R$ 730 million in the first three years of operation.
After CS Portos’ investments, the productivity of the terminals will increase from 300 to 2,000 tonnes per hour per berth. An expansion from 2 million to 12.5 million tonnes per year is estimated in handling capacity. The investments will result in more business opportunities for companies operating in the port, significantly impacting the state’s economy and creating new jobs for the community.
Next Steps
By 2025, the work schedule includes the construction of a new warehouse exclusively for fertilizers, structural renovation of TGS I at ATU-12, implementation of a new conveyor system for import and export, expansion and modernization of TGS II berth linked to ATU-18, acquisition of shiploaders and unloaders, conveyor belts, as well as the construction of scales, dumpers, and three silos with a capacity of up to 90,000 tons for grain handling. Solar capture panels will also be installed to generate up to 20% of the energy consumed in the terminals.
Source: BA de Valor
To read the original news report, visit: https://badevalor.com.br/cs-porto-aratu-investe-r-20-milhoes-em-novo-patio-para-armazenamento-de-enxofre/
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