Cuban Government Recognizes Brazilian Inspection Systems for Exports
Oct, 27, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202340
The Cuban government has acknowledged the equivalence of sanitary inspection systems for Brazilian exports of dairy products, beef, pork, poultry, and seafood.
In practice, Brazil has gained the right to work with the “pre-listing” model for authorizing companies to export these proteins to Cuba.
With this recognition, the Cuban National Center for Animal Health (Cenasa) grants the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture the authorization to certify and enable establishments audited by Cuban authorities in 2022 and 2023, as well as other production units, provided they meet the established requirements.
The new inspection systems will initially be valid for two years, with the possibility of renewal. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, this model streamlines the access of new plants to the Cuban market by eliminating the need for on-site inspection.
“The ‘pre-listing’ procedure attests to the high level of confidence in the national sanitary control, whose rigor is recognized by over 150 countries that consume the respective Brazilian products,” the Ministry stated in a release.
“The recognition of the Brazilian system granted by Cuban authorities will allow Brazil to increase its presence in the sector and further contribute to ensuring food security on the island,” the statement added.
The chart below shows Brazilian exports in containers, measured in TEUs, between Jan 2019 and Aug 2023. The data is from DataLiner.
Brazilian exports to Cuba | Jan 2019 – Aug 2023 | TEU
Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)
In 2022, Brazil exported $57.9 million worth of animal protein, dairy products, and seafood to Cuba, equivalent to 43.3 thousand tons of food. From January to September 2023, exports totaled over $38 million, comprising about 27.3 thousand tons of food.
Source: Globo Rural
To read the original news publication, click on https://globorural.globo.com/pecuaria/noticia/2023/10/brasil-firma-acordo-de-pre-listing-com-cuba-para-habilitar-estabelecimentos-a-exportar.ghtml?feedvaloragro&interno_origem=valoragro&ref=SaibaMaisMidArticle_Globo_Rural
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