Ports and Terminals

Customs authorities have a new weapon to combat illegal pesticide imports

Jul, 22, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202129

Throughout 2020, illegal agricultural pesticides valued at around US$ 4 billion were used in Brazil – either smuggled in or included in non-inspected imports – according to data on seized loads and valuations of the productive sector.

There are already veiled criticisms of the government for releasing agents quickly, but contrary to several other world legislations, in 2021, illegal imports are rising as the dollar gets even stronger.

But a new tool will be available to MAPA (Ministry of agriculture, livestock, and food supply) federal inspectors.

The spectrometer will be used for the first time in Brazil to detect legal and illegal chemical agents instantly at customs posts, resulting in arrests and fines. It will also help to reduce foreign exchange evasion.

The equipment is portable and will be used beginning in September. The idea is that they are made available to various state forces also involved in combating smuggling.

Source: Money Times

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