Ports and Terminals

Cyber attack throws four South African ports into manual mode

Jul, 28, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202130

Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth, and Ngqura. All of these South African ports have been in manual operation since July 22 as a result of a ransomware attack that hit Transnet, a South African state-owned company that operates railways, ports, and fuel pipelines across the country. Now, the company has declared to the market that it is in a “force majeure” situation, to avoid the penalty provided for in contracts with suppliers and customers.

“Transnet, including the Transnet Port Terminals, suffered a cyber attack, security intrusion, and sabotage, which resulted in the interruption of TPT’s normal processes and functions and possible in the destruction or damage of equipment or information”, says the company statement. . “Investigators are currently determining the exact source of the cause of the compromise and the extent of the breach or sabotage of ICT data security,” he adds.

The company added that it expects the elimination of “force majeure” soon after it has made “significant progress in restoring” its systems. “Some applications are expected to continue running slowly in the coming days,” the document said. The attack comes just days after civil unrest sparked by the arrest of former President Jacob Zuma, which also disrupted port operations for several days.

Source: Maritime Portal

To read the full original article, visit the link: https://portalmaritimo.com/2021/07/27/ataque-racker-deixa-quatro-portos-funcionando-no-manual/

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