
Daily averages of Brazilian soy exports grow by 50% in July

Jul, 13, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202028

According to the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex), the daily average for Brazilian soy exports increased 51.2% in the first two weeks of July year-on-year. As a result, Brazil has already shipped 3.9 million tonnes during this time period.

According to the agency, the daily average for Brazilian soy exports reached 489,400 tonnes per day, compared to 323,600 tonnes in July 2019.

External sales of sugar are growing at an even faster pace, with an increase of almost 90% in the daily export average, from 79,200 tonnes in July last year, to the current 150,300 tonnes. In the accumulated result for this month so far, 1.2 million tons of the commodity have already been shipped.

Corn performed negatively during the same time period, while iron ore and oil advanced in their daily averages compared to year-ago levels.

Source: Reuters



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