Tradelane Graphs

DataLiner Brazil Tradelane Graphs | Jan 2012 to Jan 2019 (TEU)

Mar, 07, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201911

Brazil’s Mediterranean and Black Sea Tradelane exports reached 23,255 TEU in January 2019, down 5.6% year-on-year, while imports also dropped 12.2% to 20,311 TEU in the same period, YoY.

In the meantime, exports to and imports from Far East, South East Asia & Oceania decreased 12.7% to 59,440 TEU and 15.2% to 111,109 TEU respectively in January – YoY.

Exports to Northern Europe and the Baltic region in January reached 37,517 TEU, down 7.7% YoY, while imports registered 44,168 TEU, down 13.3%.

Exports to South East Africa, the Middle East & the Indian Subcontinent fell by 9.2% to 27,862 TEU in January, in the same manner, imports were down by 7.9% to 12,760 TEU during the same period, year-on-year.

The export and import trade with West Africa registered a huge fall in January, down 34% and 19% to 6,062 TEU and 196 TEU respectively, YoY.

Tradelane activities in the Caribbean, NCSA & US/Mexico Gulf saw signs of improvements, with exports increasing 5.3% to 31,684 TEU and imports rising by 4.7% to 27,412 TEU in January, compared to 2017.

Exports to West Coast South America increased only by 0.3% to 12,568 TEU in January 2019, while imports fell 13.1% to 3,671 TEU in the same period year-on-year.

Brazil’s trading with the ECSA countries was down in January 2019. Exports fell by 14.4% to 11,046 TEU and imports were down 17.5% to 9,740 TEU, YoY.

The following Brazil’s export-import trends since 2012 with WCNA/WCCA, and lastly ECNA:

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