Doubts over receipt of Brazilian beef exports due to Chinese embargo
Sep, 15, 2021 Posted by Sylvia SchandertWeek 202136
The beef sent by Brazil and due to arrive in China after the announcement of an embargo on the product at the beginning of the month, has generated uncertainties and concerns about whether the cargoes may enter Chinese territory, according to analysts and sources consulted by Reuters.
At the moment, the possibility of redirecting lots to other markets, prices and logistical costs are on the negotiating table between Chinese buyers and exporters, since the former consider that the suspension date should be respected, while the industry adopted the day of product certification as a parameter for shipment.
On September 4, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture confirmed the occurrence of two atypical cases of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), known as “mad cow”, establishing a temporary suspension of beef exports. The sector also suspended the slaughter of the so-called “China cattle”, following the sanitary protocol, but the meat that was already in the port prepared to be sent to the Chinese market and certified by the Federal Inspection Service (SIF) – continued to be exported.
Source: Money Times
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