DP World Santos
Ports and Terminals

DP World in Santos: investment and service diversification with a focus on the future

Feb, 11, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201907

Datamar talked to Mr. Fabio Siccherino, Commercial Director of DP World Santos. With headquarters in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, DP World is one of Santos’ three large container terminals. 

DP World container throughput | 2013-2018 (TEU)

wdt_ID Voyage type 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
1 Cabotage 35.177 216.884 240.979 144.626 138.864 122.412
2 Deepsea 182.393 329.871 388.553 521.589 541.708 541.248

Detailed information on terminals will be available in the Datamar ECSA Container Terminals Report, which will be released at Intermodal 2019.

DP World Santos has managed to remain strong in the recent years of crisis through the diversification of its services, focussing on the Break Bulk market, in particular in the paper and pulp sector. During 2018 the terminal moved 580,000 tons of pulp.

The company is expanding its berths by 400 meters, with a potential additional extension to serve the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) sector. At the same time it is investing in services of stripping and stuffing of containers, with a new warehouse for this activity. 

Even with cabotage growing by two digits, DP World’s vision of the short and medium term for the container market is not changing much, at least in Santos. The perspective is that current volumes will remain. 

DP World vessel call by cargo type | 2018

1 jan-18 1 32
2 fev-18 1 26
3 mar-18 32 1 1
4 abr-18 2 27 1
5 mai-18 1 29
6 jun-18 24 1 1
7 jul-18 28
8 ago-18 1 26
9 set-18 26 3
10 out-18 1 34
11 nov-18 27 1 2
12 dez-18 32 8

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