Ports and Terminals

Dredging at Barnabe berths in Santos completed

Jan, 08, 2020 Posted by Sylvia Schandert

Week 202003

Works to restore depth were completed this week at the berths of Barnabé Island, in the Port of Santos. Testing of depth -known as bathymetry – will be performed to confirm the results. Tomorrow, 09/01, removal of excess sediment will begin in the Alemoa berths. The forecast is for the works to be completed by February 20th.

The services are being performed by the Dutch company Van Oord Maritime Operations, hired by the National Department of Transport Infrastructure (Dnit) of Brazil’s Ministry of Infrastructure. Two vessels are being used to provide the service.

According to the agency, between December 20 and February 20, 1.8 million cubic meters of sediment should be dredged from the Barnabé Island and Alemoa. The sediment will be removed from the navigation channel and berths that have suffered from the siltation.

Navigation Channel Grant Studies

The Santos Port Authority (SPA), received three studies regarding the possible concession of the Port of Santos navigation channel. The studies were provided in response to a notice published by SPA in June / 2019, requested with a deadline of Monday, January 6. The idea is that the SPA will be able to understand which parameters to set for the modeling of an eventual concession of the Port of Santos access channel.

Eight of the 16 companies authorized by SPA to conduct and provide the studies were involved in the work handed in. One study was delivered by Boskalis do Brasil Dragagem e Serviços Maritimos Ltda, while the other two were involved in consortia. The first group consisted of DTA Engenharia Ltda, Jan De Nul do Brazil Dragagem Ltda and Leonardo SpA; the next one consisted of Terrafirma Consultoria Empresarial e de Design Ltda, Dragabras Dragagem Services Ltda, CPEA – Consulting, Planning and Environmental Studies Ltda and Veirano Advogados.

The documents delivered will be evaluated by the SPA, said President Casemiro Tércio Carvalho: “We will evaluate the contributions to elaborate a model and, from there, decide if it will be an isolated concession or if the proposal will be incorporated into the port administration privatization project” . According to Tércio, “the most important aspect lies with the parameters for management of channel efficiency. The goal is to have more ship movements per day. ”

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