
East Coast South America Commodities Ranking | Jan-Nov 2024 vs. Jan-Nov 2023 | DataLiner

Jan, 23, 2025 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202504

This article explores the top containerized goods transported on South America’s East Coast—specifically Brazil and the Plate region—during the first eleven months of 2024, compared to the same period in 2023. The data was compiled by Datamar’s Business Intelligence team.


Brazil’s containerized exports were led by meat, with volumes shipped abroad between January and November 2024 rising 11.5% compared to the same period in 2023. Wood ranked second, with a 14.6% growth in exports, followed by cotton (+84.5%) and coffee and tea (+31.7%).

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Brazil | Jan-Nov 2024 vs. Jan-Nov 2023 | TEU | Exports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 1 MEAT 628.027 563.292 11.5%
2 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 2 WOOD 373.942 326.387 14.6%
3 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 3 COTTON 199.322 108.053 84.5%
4 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 4 COFFEE, TEA, MATE AND SPICES 158.078 120.074 31.7%
5 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 5 CELLULOSE PASTE 154.970 126.672 22.3%
6 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 6 PAPER 146.070 116.805 25.1%
7 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 7 SUGAR 110.685 102.416 8.1%
8 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 8 PLASTIC 84.358 86.363 -2.3%
9 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 9 STEEL PRODUCTS 80.581 85.433 -5.7%
10 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 10 FRUITS 66.012 72.474 -8.9%
11 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 11 REACTORS, BOILERS AND MACHINES 64.221 71.517 -10.2%
12 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 12 FOOD RESIDUES 57.639 52.461 9.9%
13 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 13 VEGETABLE PRODUCTS 49.658 41.527 19.6%
14 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 14 MOTOR VEHICLE AND PARTS 44.010 52.986 -16.9%
15 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 15 PROCESSED FOODS 40.330 36.861 9.4%
16 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 16 TOBACCO 39.796 43.793 -09.1%
17 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 17 STONES 37.837 38.762 -2.4%
18 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 18 RUBBER 37.515 39.674 -5.4%
19 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 19 CERAMIC 34.994 34.523 1.4%
20 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 20 SKINS AND LEATHERS 32.398 23.516 37.8%
21 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 21 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS APPLIANCES 31.339 30.056 4.3%
22 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 22 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 30.376 25.801 17.7%
23 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 23 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 29.699 27.653 7.4%
24 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 24 FURNITURE 25.903 25.311 2.3%
25 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 25 FRUIT JUICE 23.224 25.689 -09.6%
26 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 26 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 21.304 20.750 2.7%
27 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 27 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 20.708 17.864 15.9%
28 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 28 GLYCEROL 20.293 15.284 32.8%
29 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 29 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 16.888 14.170 19.2%
30 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 30 VEGETABLE OIL & FAT 14.312 14.599 -2.0%
31 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 31 GLASS 13.965 6.415 117.7%
32 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 32 PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS 12.642 11.354 11.3%
33 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 33 ENZUMES AND GELATIN 11.286 10.055 12.2%
34 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 34 LANDS AND STONES 10.533 11.124 -5.3%
35 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 35 GRAINS 9.491 11.314 -16.1%
36 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 36 ASBESTOS 9.462 9.000 5.1%
37 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 37 TEXTILE 8.820 9.142 -3.5%
38 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 38 FOOTWEAR 8.053 8.886 -09.4%
39 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 39 FLOURS, MALT AND STARCHES 7.677 6.277 22.3%
40 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 40 MANGANESE ORE 6.895 3.060 125.3%
41 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 41 COPPER PRODUCTS 6.703 5.447 23.1%
42 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 42 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 6.533 9.498 -31.2%
43 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 43 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 6.336 5.149 23.1%
44 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 44 ETHANOL FUEL 5.843 5.347 9.3%
45 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 45 HAND TOOLS 5.527 6.013 -8.1%
46 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 46 BEVERAGES AND VINEGAR 4.979 5.436 -8.4%
47 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 47 PAINTS, DYES AND VARNISHES 4.749 4.469 6.3%
48 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 48 MARBLE AND GRANITE 4.382 3.698 18.5%
49 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 49 SOAPS, WAXES AND TAPERS 4.380 4.324 1.3%
50 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM 50 OTHERS 62.136 55.126 12.7%
51 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:15 PM TOTAL 2.884.881 2.551.900 13.0%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

On the import side, plastic led the rankings for Brazil during this period, with volumes growing 25.8% year-over-year. Reactors, boilers, and machinery trailed, posting a 22% increase, while imports of electrical materials rose by 16.2%.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Brazil | Jan-Nov 2024 vs. Jan-Nov 2023 | TEU | Imports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 1 PLASTIC 399.248 317.327 25.8%
2 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 2 REACTORS, BOILERS AND MACHINES 345.509 283.171 22.0%
3 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 3 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS APPLIANCES 329.495 283.675 16.2%
4 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 4 MOTOR VEHICLE AND PARTS 319.364 222.987 43.2%
5 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 5 RUBBER 166.418 125.918 32.2%
6 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 6 TEXTILE 153.706 129.220 18.9%
7 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 7 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 142.933 109.694 30.3%
8 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 8 STEEL PRODUCTS 115.674 99.594 16.1%
9 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 9 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 88.304 103.976 -15.1%
10 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 10 PESTICIDES 59.035 43.342 36.2%
11 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 11 FERTILIZERS 54.499 45.674 19.3%
12 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 12 GLASS 53.057 52.296 1.5%
13 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 13 PAPER 51.589 45.224 14.1%
14 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 14 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 48.502 40.935 18.5%
15 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 15 PROCESSED FOODS 45.644 41.118 11.0%
16 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 16 FURNITURE 44.153 31.389 40.7%
17 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 17 TOYS, GAMES AND SPORTS ARTICLES 37.436 27.228 37.5%
18 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 18 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 37.010 32.200 14.9%
19 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 19 BEVERAGES AND VINEGAR 34.892 35.514 -1.8%
20 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 20 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 33.386 31.028 7.6%
21 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 21 CLOTHES 32.694 28.209 15.9%
22 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 22 PAINTS, DYES AND VARNISHES 25.873 21.828 18.5%
23 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 23 FRUITS 24.668 15.191 62.4%
24 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 24 SKINS AND LEATHERS 22.045 18.509 19.1%
25 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 25 FUELS, OILS AND MINERAL PRODUCTS 21.914 24.707 -11.3%
26 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 26 HAND TOOLS 21.660 21.362 1.4%
27 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 27 SOAPS, WAXES AND TAPERS 17.194 16.091 6.9%
28 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 28 MEDICAL-SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS 16.626 15.875 4.7%
29 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 29 VEGETABLE PRODUCTS 15.778 12.459 26.6%
30 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 30 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 15.079 14.571 3.5%
31 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 31 COPPER PRODUCTS 13.508 11.843 14.1%
32 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 32 LANDS AND STONES 12.373 11.003 12.5%
33 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 33 VEGETABLE OIL & FAT 11.978 11.216 6.8%
34 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 34 FOOD RESIDUES 11.555 9.002 28.4%
35 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 35 ENZUMES AND GELATIN 11.518 10.458 10.1%
36 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 36 SEAFOOD 10.275 9.565 7.4%
37 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 37 CERAMIC 9.875 10.054 -1.8%
38 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 38 CELLULOSE PASTE 9.600 7.744 24.0%
39 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 39 CEMENT 9.394 9.652 -2.7%
40 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 40 STONES 8.825 8.568 3.0%
41 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 41 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 8.783 8.041 9.2%
42 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 42 PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS 7.862 7.677 2.4%
43 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 43 MACHINES & APPLIANCES 6.424 3.924 63.7%
44 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 44 FOOTWEAR 6.112 4.374 39.7%
45 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 45 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 5.882 6.093 -3.5%
46 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 46 FLOURS, MALT AND STARCHES 5.642 4.571 23.5%
47 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 47 COTTON 5.476 3.843 42.5%
48 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 48 COCOA 5.421 5.150 5.3%
49 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 49 WOOD 5.070 4.687 8.2%
50 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM 50 OTHERS 66.463 58.278 14.0%
51 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:18 PM TOTAL 3.005.421 2.496.055 20.4%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Plate Region

In Argentina, meat was also the top export commodity during the first eleven months of 2024, with a 5.6% increase over the same period in 2023. Vegetal products, the second most-exported category, saw a 2.6% decline, while seafood exports rose 10.4%.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Argentina | Jan-Nov 2024 vs. Jan-Nov 2023 | TEU | Exports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 1 MEAT 72.955 69.084 5.6%
2 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 2 VEGETABLE PRODUCTS 66.008 67.788 -2.6%
3 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 3 SEAFOOD 32.344 29.301 10.4%
4 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 4 WOOD 27.506 21.764 26.4%
5 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 5 PLASTIC 25.156 21.010 19.7%
6 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 6 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 23.183 21.171 9.5%
7 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 7 FRUITS 22.148 23.776 -6.8%
8 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 8 SKINS AND LEATHERS 14.353 15.324 -6.3%
9 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 9 PROCESSED FOODS 14.236 13.605 4.6%
10 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 10 FOOD RESIDUES 14.056 11.406 23.2%
11 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 11 GRAINS 12.792 11.653 9.8%
12 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 12 VEGETABLE OIL & FAT 12.223 10.474 16.7%
13 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 13 COTTON 10.273 3.738 174.8%
14 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 14 STEEL PRODUCTS 9.933 8.776 13.2%
15 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 15 COFFEE, TEA, MATE AND SPICES 8.684 7.577 14.6%
16 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 16 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 7.118 5.323 33.7%
17 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 17 FRUIT JUICE 6.154 6.271 -1.9%
18 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 18 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 5.364 4.087 31.2%
19 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 19 REACTORS, BOILERS AND MACHINES 5.162 6.255 -17.5%
20 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 20 PAPER 4.440 1.749 153.9%
21 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 21 TOBACCO 4.220 4.315 -2.2%
22 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 22 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 4.045 2.929 38.1%
23 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 23 CELLULOSE PASTE 3.660 2.418 51.4%
24 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 24 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 3.523 2.733 28.9%
25 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 25 BEVERAGES AND VINEGAR 2.515 3.383 -25.6%
26 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 26 RUBBER 2.490 2.796 -10.9%
27 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 27 FLOURS, MALT AND STARCHES 2.345 2.069 13.3%
28 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 28 PAINTS, DYES AND VARNISHES 2.322 2.114 9.8%
29 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 29 MOTOR VEHICLE AND PARTS 2.202 2.693 -18.2%
30 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 30 PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS 1.999 1.740 14.8%
31 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 31 MISCELLANEOUS ORES 1.982 1.799 10.2%
32 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 32 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 1.573 1.211 29.9%
33 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 33 ENZUMES AND GELATIN 1.568 1.175 33.5%
34 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 34 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 1.505 1.597 -5.7%
35 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 35 LANDS AND STONES 1.219 954 27.9%
36 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 36 GLASS 1.159 1.465 -20.9%
37 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 37 SUGAR 694 394 76.0%
38 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 38 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS APPLIANCES 606 496 22.3%
39 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 39 ZINC ORE 606 783 -22.6%
40 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 40 GLYCEROL 585 283 106.7%
41 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 41 CONTAINERS 584 914 -36.1%
42 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 42 PESTICIDES 577 558 3.2%
43 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 43 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 564 701 -19.5%
44 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 44 MACHINES & APPLIANCES 478 801 -40.3%
45 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 45 SOAPS, WAXES AND TAPERS 472 646 -26.9%
46 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 46 LEAD ORE 417 83 402.4%
47 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 47 GUMS, SAPS AND RESINS 357 434 -17.8%
48 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 48 COCONUTS & NUTS 341 326 4.8%
49 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 49 FERTILIZERS 310 290 6.8%
50 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM 50 OTHERS 2.558 2.613 -2.1%
51 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:20 PM TOTAL 441.564 404.845 9.1%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Imports to Argentina showed declines across most categories. Vehicle engines and parts, which topped the list, fell 9.8%. Reactors, boilers, and machinery dropped by 29.4%, while plastic imports dropped by 18.4%.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Argentina | Jan-Nov 2024 vs. Jan-Nov 2023 | TEU | Imports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 1 MOTOR VEHICLE AND PARTS 61.695 68.400 -09.8%
2 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 2 REACTORS, BOILERS AND MACHINES 60.536 85.754 -29.4%
3 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 3 PLASTIC 46.436 56.885 -18.4%
4 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 4 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS APPLIANCES 35.851 47.505 -24.5%
5 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 5 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 31.413 31.746 -1.1%
6 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 6 STEEL PRODUCTS 18.013 24.567 -26.7%
7 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 7 RUBBER 15.346 20.468 -25.0%
8 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 8 TEXTILE 14.147 18.206 -22.3%
9 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 9 FURNITURE 11.426 12.657 -09.7%
10 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 10 PAPER 10.117 13.437 -24.7%
11 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 11 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 9.419 11.737 -19.8%
12 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 12 PESTICIDES 7.034 5.235 34.4%
13 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 13 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 6.572 11.556 -43.1%
14 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 14 TOYS, GAMES AND SPORTS ARTICLES 6.401 7.620 -16.0%
15 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 15 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 6.216 8.093 -23.2%
16 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 16 FOOTWEAR 6.138 6.122 0.3%
17 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 17 GLASS 5.116 4.637 10.3%
18 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 18 FUELS, OILS AND MINERAL PRODUCTS 5.055 5.007 1.0%
19 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 19 SOAPS, WAXES AND TAPERS 5.050 6.237 -19.0%
20 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 20 PROCESSED FOODS 4.999 5.508 -09.2%
21 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 21 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 4.566 6.842 -33.3%
22 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 22 FERTILIZERS 4.408 3.749 17.6%
23 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 23 MEDICAL-SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS 4.032 4.570 -11.8%
24 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 24 PAINTS, DYES AND VARNISHES 3.922 5.388 -27.2%
25 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 25 CLOTHES 3.482 4.075 -14.5%
26 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 26 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 3.467 4.111 -15.7%
27 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 27 PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS 3.278 4.722 -30.6%
28 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 28 HAND TOOLS 2.865 3.338 -14.2%
29 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 29 SKINS AND LEATHERS 2.861 3.783 -24.4%
30 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 30 ENZUMES AND GELATIN 2.446 3.014 -18.8%
31 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 31 CERAMIC 2.424 3.732 -35.1%
32 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 32 ALUMINUM 2.403 2.121 13.3%
33 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 33 CEMENT 2.121 2.741 -22.6%
34 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 34 STONES 2.008 2.521 -20.3%
35 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 35 BEVERAGES AND VINEGAR 1.952 2.140 -8.8%
36 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 36 LANDS AND STONES 1.548 1.887 -17.9%
37 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 37 VEGETABLE PRODUCTS 1.489 2.288 -34.9%
38 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 38 COFFEE, TEA, MATE AND SPICES 1.444 2.257 -36.0%
39 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 39 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 1.341 1.389 -3.5%
40 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 40 WOOD 1.338 1.569 -14.7%
41 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 41 SEAFOOD 1.258 1.232 2.1%
42 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 42 COCOA 1.181 1.346 -12.3%
43 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 43 VEGETABLE OIL & FAT 1.175 1.496 -21.5%
44 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 44 FOOD RESIDUES 1.172 1.356 -13.5%
45 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 45 COPPER PRODUCTS 1.091 1.857 -41.2%
46 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 46 ZINC PRODUCTS 898 1.147 -21.7%
47 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 47 KAOLIN 864 1.161 -25.6%
48 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 48 FLOURS, MALT AND STARCHES 729 890 -18.1%
49 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 49 FRUITS 639 850 -24.9%
50 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM 50 OTHERS 7.833 10.257 -23.6%
51 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:22 PM TOTAL 437.215 539.206 -18.9%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Wood was the leading export commodity for Paraguay and Uruguay from January to November 2024, with volumes up 17% compared to 2023. Meat followed, with a modest increase of 0.9%, and animal products saw a 16% growth in exports.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Plate | Jan-Nov 2024 vs. Jan-Nov 2023 | TEU | Exports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 1 WOOD 50.937 43.529 17.0%
2 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 2 MEAT 41.214 40.839 0.9%
3 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 3 ANIMAL PRODUCTS 15.636 13.476 16.0%
4 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 4 GRAINS 13.769 14.146 -2.7%
5 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 5 FOOD RESIDUES 12.478 8.478 47.2%
6 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 6 SEAFOOD 11.599 12.165 -4.7%
7 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 7 VEGETABLE PRODUCTS 6.807 6.092 11.7%
8 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 8 FRUITS 4.401 5.055 -12.9%
9 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 9 SKINS AND LEATHERS 4.304 3.484 23.5%
10 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 10 STEEL PRODUCTS 3.192 2.776 15.0%
11 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 11 CELLULOSE PASTE 3.110 1.258 147.2%
12 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 12 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 2.668 1.983 34.5%
13 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 13 FLOURS, MALT AND STARCHES 2.413 1.383 74.5%
14 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 14 PAPER 2.157 1.048 105.8%
15 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 15 PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS 2.117 1.949 8.6%
16 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 16 SUGAR 2.040 1.722 18.5%
17 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 17 PROCESSED FOODS 1.950 1.298 50.2%
18 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 18 PRECIOUS METALS AND JEWELRY 1.816 944 92.4%
19 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 19 VEGETABLE OIL & FAT 1.482 1.518 -2.3%
20 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 20 PLASTIC 1.389 997 39.4%
21 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 21 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 1.244 1.004 24.0%
22 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 22 COTTON 1.225 431 184.2%
23 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 23 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 1.096 825 32.8%
24 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 24 REACTORS, BOILERS AND MACHINES 724 951 -23.8%
25 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 25 TEXTILE 678 624 8.7%
26 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 26 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS APPLIANCES 653 411 58.8%
27 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 27 BEVERAGES AND VINEGAR 627 482 30.3%
28 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 28 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 565 473 19.5%
29 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 29 TOBACCO 512 451 13.6%
30 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 30 CONTAINERS 451 749 -39.8%
31 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 31 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 445 265 67.8%
32 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 32 COPPER PRODUCTS 428 612 -30.1%
33 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 33 MOTOR VEHICLE AND PARTS 400 267 50.2%
34 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 34 FURNITURE 367 183 100.2%
35 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 35 FRUIT JUICE 337 320 5.5%
36 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 36 COFFEE, TEA, MATE AND SPICES 336 408 -17.6%
37 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 37 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 292 262 11.5%
38 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 38 ENZUMES AND GELATIN 268 538 -50.2%
39 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 39 SOAPS, WAXES AND TAPERS 268 293 -8.5%
40 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 40 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 221 217 1.9%
41 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 41 COCOA 198 79 149.4%
42 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 42 GLYCEROL 177 33 436.4%
43 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 43 PAINTS, DYES AND VARNISHES 174 170 2.6%
44 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 44 LEAD PRODUCTS 164 104 57.7%
45 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 45 TOYS, GAMES AND SPORTS ARTICLES 127 51 147.4%
46 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 46 MACHINES & APPLIANCES 115 85 35.3%
47 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 47 MARBLE AND GRANITE 101 149 -32.2%
48 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 48 FOOTWEAR 90 83 8.8%
49 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 49 RUBBER 76 129 -41.3%
50 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM 50 OTHERS 568 575 -1.2%
51 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:24 PM TOTAL 198.406 175.364 13.1%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

For imports, motor vehicles and auto parts led the way, with an 8.2% increase over the same period last year. Reactors, machinery, and boilers followed with a 14.9% rise, while rubber imports recorded a slight dip of 0.1%.

Commodities Ranking | Dataliner Plate | Jan-Nov 2024 vs. Jan-Nov 2023 | TEU | Imports

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at RANK CARGO 2024 2023 %
1 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 1 MOTOR VEHICLE AND PARTS 39.910 36.900 8.2%
2 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 2 REACTORS, BOILERS AND MACHINES 37.937 33.022 14.9%
3 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 3 RUBBER 24.490 24.508 -0.1%
4 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 4 PLASTIC 21.185 17.742 19.4%
5 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 5 ELECTRICAL MATERIALS APPLIANCES 17.285 17.313 -0.2%
6 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 6 STEEL PRODUCTS 12.020 15.613 -23.0%
7 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 7 FURNITURE 8.009 6.859 16.8%
8 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 8 BEVERAGES AND VINEGAR 6.431 9.562 -32.8%
9 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 9 ORGANIC CHEMICALS 6.188 4.916 25.9%
10 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 10 TEXTILE 6.153 6.739 -8.7%
11 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 11 PESTICIDES 5.385 4.515 19.3%
12 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 12 CLOTHES 5.247 5.363 -2.2%
13 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 13 PROCESSED FOODS 5.193 5.111 1.6%
14 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 14 OTHER MANUFACTURED ARTICLES 4.793 7.914 -39.4%
15 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 15 PAPER 4.774 4.383 8.9%
16 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 16 TOYS, GAMES AND SPORTS ARTICLES 4.592 4.138 11.0%
17 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 17 PERFUMERY AND COSMETICS 3.973 3.418 16.2%
18 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 18 GLASS 3.337 2.064 61.7%
19 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 19 FUELS, OILS AND MINERAL PRODUCTS 3.037 4.840 -37.2%
20 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 20 SPECIAL TRANSACTIONS 2.397 2.048 17.1%
21 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 21 SKINS AND LEATHERS 2.327 2.313 0.6%
22 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 22 HAND TOOLS 2.321 2.033 14.1%
23 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 23 CHEMICAL PRODUCTS 2.249 1.837 22.4%
24 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 24 CERAMIC 2.221 2.044 8.7%
25 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 25 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS 2.111 1.573 34.2%
26 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 26 FOOTWEAR 2.039 1.908 6.8%
27 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 27 INORGANIC CHEMICALS 2.033 1.922 5.8%
28 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 28 SUGAR 1.829 1.013 80.6%
29 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 29 FERTILIZERS 1.775 1.602 10.8%
30 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 30 SOAPS, WAXES AND TAPERS 1.761 1.496 17.7%
31 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 31 VEGETABLE PRODUCTS 1.618 1.507 7.4%
32 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 32 PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 1.464 1.532 -4.4%
33 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 33 VEGETABLE OIL & FAT 1.436 1.331 7.9%
34 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 34 MINERAL COAL 1.231 154 699.8%
35 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 35 MEDICAL-SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS 1.187 1.139 4.2%
36 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 36 COCOA 1.126 1.036 8.7%
37 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 37 PAINTS, DYES AND VARNISHES 936 907 3.1%
38 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 38 WOOD 880 882 -0.3%
39 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 39 SEAFOOD 720 766 -6.0%
40 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 40 STONES 653 682 -4.2%
41 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 41 FOOD RESIDUES 625 630 -0.7%
42 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 42 MEAT 601 592 1.5%
43 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 43 TOBACCO 600 296 102.6%
44 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 44 FLOURS, MALT AND STARCHES 584 578 1.0%
45 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 45 LANDS AND STONES 560 1.098 -49.0%
46 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 46 COTTON 523 584 -10.5%
47 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 47 CEMENT 519 522 -0.6%
48 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 48 SALT 493 156 217.1%
49 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 49 COFFEE, TEA, MATE AND SPICES 443 368 20.5%
50 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM 50 OTHERS 4.252 5.749 -26.0%
51 I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM I_write_a_lot 23/01/2025 03:26 PM TOTAL 263.453 255.218 3.2%

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

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