Ecorodovias settles agreement to extend concession beyond first agreement
May, 02, 2021 Posted by andrew_lorimerWeek 202119
Ecorodovias and ARTESP (the transportation regulatory agency for the state of São Paulo) reached an agreement today to resolve the regulatory liabilities of Ecovias dos Imigrantes, which foresees the extension of the contract until March 2033 and R$ 1.1 billion of new investments in Baixada Santista and the Anchieta-Imigrantes system.
The preliminary amendment also requires that R$ 613 million be deposited in a security account held by São Paulo state.
Ecovias’s concession, which would initially expire in mid-2026, is Ecorodovias’s largest contract and represents about 37% of the group’s cash generation, according to data from 2020.
The agreement with Ecorodovias is the first in a series of negotiations that the government of São Paulo has been undertaking with several state concessionaires, which have accumulated legal disputes since 2006.
The group should end several conflicts through the additive, including the dispute about the additives signed in 2006 (and later annulled by the government, generating a disagreement).
Some of the R$1.1 billion of investments foreseen in the addendum will include: the second phase of Santos’s new entrance (from km 59 to km 65 of Via Anchieta); the construction of a new access road from Avenida Bandeirantes to the northern lane of Via Anchieta and expansion of the traffic capacity; the implementation of a new viaduct that will directly connect the northwest area of Santos with the Anchieta lane heading towards São Paulo; the construction of two new pedestrian walkways; and improvements to Rodovia dos Imigrantes (between km 62 and km 68) in the municipality of São Vicente.
The construction of the Santos-Guarujá bridge – a controversial subject not yet approved by the federal government – is not among the listed works.
Source: Valor
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