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Electrical and electronic sector trade deficit at US$13.67 billion in first seven months of 2020

Aug, 21, 2020 Posted by datamarnews

Week 203034

Between January and July 2020, the trade balance within the electrical and electronic sector accumulated a deficit of US$13.67 billion, resulting from imports of US$16.2 billion and exports of US$2.53 billion.  This is 10% less than the deficit registered in the same period last year. During this time, foreign sales were 23.3% lower year-on-year (US$3.3 billion), whilst imports were 12.5% ​​lower (US$18.5 billion), according to data from the Brazilian Association of Electrical and Electronic Industries (Abinee).

July 2020

In July, exports from the sector totaled US$413.5 million, pointing to the highest monthly exported amount this year, and 26.6% above the previous month´s exports (US$326.6 million). Despite this, there was still a 23.3% drop in comparison with July 2019 (US$539.3 million ), resulting from a retraction in the world economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Source: Comex do Brasil

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