Ports and Terminals

Emap and Transpetro sign partnership to decarbonize operations at the Port of Itaqui

Mar, 20, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202412

With the aim of strengthening ties and driving forward the Itaqui Port Decarbonization Plan, Emap and Transpetro, a subsidiary of Petrobras, have taken the first steps towards a strategic partnership. The two institutions are committed to developing joint projects to promote the decarbonization of operations at one of the berths operated by Transpetro in Itaqui.

Flavio Godinho, Transpetro’s Executive Operations Manager, emphasized the importance of collaboration: “It is in our interest to work together in the pursuit of renewable energy. The first step has already been taken: Emap is seeking the support of different companies and institutions to set in motion the pilot project for Brazil’s first NetZero Berth; and Transpetro has committed to collaborating with the initiative, studying the feasibility of installing green bunkers for ships at the Port of Itaqui, as well as adapting its fleet of vehicles and equipment to use green fuels,” he said.

Bruno Matos, EMAP’s Planning and Development Director, reinforced that “these actions will be very important and certainly mark the beginning of the decarbonization process of the port.”

With its decarbonization actions, the Itaqui Port positions itself among the leading public ports in Brazil in terms of sustainability. “Thinking about present actions, with a focus on future opportunities, has been the hallmark of Emap’s current management,” said Gilberto Lins, President of the Itaqui Port.

Port Decarbonization Alliance

In a recent initiative, Emap, together with the Valenciaport Foundation, proposed the creation of the Brazilian Alliance for Port Decarbonization, officially launched on March 6 during a logistics event in São Paulo/SP. Transpetro is one of the 45 signatories, including companies, organizations, ports, universities, and startups, that have joined the initiative.

In Tuesday’s meeting, March 19, at the Itaqui Port, Transpetro also committed to participating in two of the four Working Groups formed for the operation of the Alliance. Through this partnership, the Petrobras subsidiary reaffirms its commitment as a major supporter of the initiative.

Emap was represented at the meeting by its Planning Directorate – with the Environmental Management and also the Innovation Management.

Source: iMaranhense

Click here to read the original article: https://imaranhense.com/noticia/16910/emap-e-transpetro-firmam-parceria-para-descarbonizacao-de-operacoes-no-porto-do-itaqui

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