Ports and Terminals

Enseada Indústria Naval Shipyard to begin functioning again

Jul, 21, 2020 Posted by Neeharika Khaitan

Week 202030

The Enseada Indústria Naval Shipyard, which has been in judicial reorganization since October 2019, will return to operation. Located in Maragogipe, in the Recôncavo Baiano, the site was contracted to build two container ships to be used for cabotage transport, from January 2021.

With financing from the Merchant Marine Fund, managed by the Ministry of Infrastructure, the ships will be built for Petrocity Portos. Each ship will cost, according to Resolution 174/2020, the global value of US$73.443 million (approximately R$308.5 million).  The vessels will be able to carry 75 TEU, with a tonnage capacity of 2,000.

The Enseada Shipyard initially belonged to a consortium formed by Odebrecht Engenharia Industrial, OAS and UTC Engenharia. Today, it only belongs to Odebrecht Engenharia, which partners with Petrocity on some projects.

Source: Bahia Econômica



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