Other Logistics

EPL and B3 sign agreement to strengthen the environment for partnerships and investments in the infrastructure sector

Nov, 10, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202143

EPL (the Brazilian planning and logistics company) and B3 (the Brazilian stock exchange) signed a protocol of intent to promote the mutual development of infrastructure and integrated logistics planning programs, projects, and best practices. The document institutionalizes the tools through which B3 and EPL will be able to enhance their respective expertise to strengthen the investment environment and partnerships in the Brazilian infrastructure sector.

The agreement provides for the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and technical and scientific information between the two institutions, as well as the possibility of developing studies and implementing best practices.

According to EPL’s CEO, Arthur Lima, the development and dissemination of best practices in the bidding processes for infrastructure projects is one of the main objectives of the partnership. “We are going to combine the best project structuring by EPL with the best experience in the bidding process. B3’s expertise will contribute to the process until the auction is increasingly robust, providing more security to investors”, he commented.

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