Ports and Terminals

EPL considers leasing solid vegetable bulk terminal at Santos

Mar, 14, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202111

Empresa de Planejamento e Logística S.A. (EPL) has submitted studies for the leasing of STS11 port terminal in the Port of Santos to the Ministry of Infrastructure (MINFRA). Intended for the transport and storage of solid vegetable bulk, the terminal is one of the largest grain-handling terminals in the country.

With the 25-year contract, it is estimated that the leasing of the terminal will generate investments of R$ 541 million. The studies carried out by the company indicate that this value should be used to build warehouses, buy new equipment, and create road and railway access.

In 2020, the Port of Santos was responsible for handling 64.19 million tons of solid vegetable bulk. The STS11 terminal will be used mainly for shipments of soybeans, soybean meal, corn, sugar, and wheat.

EPL’s Technical, Economic, and Environmental Feasibility Studies (EVTEA) report the potential demand for each terminal, the engineering solutions needed for the project, and financial and economic modeling. The studies were carried out based on technical visits to the port by the EPL team, where assessments were made of the existing structures, market issues, and the region’s environmental characteristics.

Once MINFRA has analyzed the studies, the project will advance to a public hearing to be conducted by ANTAQ (the national waterway transport agency).

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