Ports and Terminals

EPL opens public consultation on the Porto Velho Port Complex Master Plan

Dec, 15, 2021 Posted by Ruth Hollard

Week 202148

On December 10, the Planning and Logistics Company (EPL) started the public consultation to debate the master plan for the Porto Velho (RO) Port Complex. The document prepared by EPL presents an analysis of the organized port of Porto Velho and the private port facilities that make up the complex.

In order to develop the master plan, the EPL technical team carried out studies that assess the projection of cargo demand, waterway and land access, available infrastructure, environmental aspects, and the port-city relationship. The work also makes an administrative and financial analysis of the port authority and presents the positive and negative points of the port complex, including both the internal environment and the competitive environment in which the enterprise is inserted.

The objective of the master plan is to provide the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transport of the Ministry of Infrastructure with a broad and detailed view of the current conditions and existing bottlenecks in the port complex. Thus, it will be possible to identify and develop actions that allow the necessary investments to fully service the infrastructure with adequate and efficient service levels.

The public consultation for the master plan for the Porto Velho (RO) Port Complex runs until 01/02/2022. To access the documents and make suggestions, simply access:


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