
European Union announces the withdrawal of requirements for the official certification for the entry of brazilian peanuts

Feb, 02, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202306

On the 27th of January, the European Union informed Brazil of the removal of the requirement for official certification and reduction of the control index for Brazilian peanuts destined for countries in the European bloc. This is due to the product’s compliance index in relation to contamination with aflatoxins (harmful substances produced by fungi).

The decision was taken based on analyzes carried out throughout 2022, which demonstrate that the controls completed by Brazilian exporters and audited by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) guarantee the quality and safety of the product.

“This measure represents greater agility in export procedures and values ​​the Brazilian product in the international market”, claims the federal agricultural tax auditor Hugo Caruso.

In the year 2022 alone, Brazil exported around 285,000 tons of peanuts, worth approximately US$ 332 million. Of these, 70 thousand tons were destined for the European Union.

Also according to Caruso, the improvement in controls on exported products was also reflected in products sold domestically, which, in addition to being consumed in natura, are raw materials for sweets, cakes, ice cream, among others.

“The major concern regarding the safety of the product is related to the aflatoxins that are produced by fungi. These toxins, in addition to being carcinogenic, can cause other harm to health, and that is why we reinforce the importance of consumers purchasing only products from companies registered with the Ministry of Health, which periodically inspects the packers”, warns the auditor.

Source: Ports Newsletter

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