Brazilian cosmetics and hygine products exports
Other Cargo

Exports of cosmetics and personal hygiene items grew 7.5% in April

May, 25, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202221

Exports of personal care, perfumery, and cosmetics continued to grow in April, according to the data compiled by Abihpec.

Sales to foreign markets reached US$ 65.1 million, an increase of 7.5% compared to the same month of the previous year (US$ 60.6 million). As a result, the first four months of the year had a growth of 18.1% compared to the same period in 2021, totaling US$ 246.8 million.

April imports totaled US$ 57.3 million, a reduction of 14.3% compared to April 2021. In the first four months, the sector’s trade flow reached US$ 471.3 million, an increase of 4,8% year on year.

The trade balance for the four-month period reached a surplus of US$ 7.8 million, reversing the deficit registered in the same period in 2021, which was US$ 31.7 million. Imports dropped 6.7% to US$ 224.3 million.

The president of Abihpec, João Carlos Basilio, highlighted that the cosmetics industry managed to maintain its exports in the first four months of 2022 and recovered almost 40 million dollars, despite international freight difficulties “[…] in addition to numerous internal challenges, which make it difficult gain space abroad.”

Source: Valor Econômico

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