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Exports of eggs and related products hint monthly recover amid annual decline

Jul, 20, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202229

Trade data referring to the first eleven days of July show that the volume of eggs and their by-products exported indicates a rebound from last June but a retraction from July last year.

The volume shipped during the period nearly reached 866 tonnes. The average daily volume expected for the month suggests a total of 1,653 tonnes. If proven correct, these numbers will mean an annual retraction of 6.2% while pointing to an increase of 12.7% over last June.

The average daily price, in turn, projects for the entire month the possibility of reaching a value of almost US$8.981 million. If achieved, it will mean significant increases of 27% over the previous month and 52.8% over July last year. The substantial growth projected for revenue is because the average price points to a rise of more than 62.8%.

Source: Notícias Agrícolas

To read the full original article, please go to: https://www.noticiasagricolas.com.br/noticias/granjeiros/322631-exportacao-de-ovos-e-ovoprodutos-projeta-recuperacao-mensal-mas-queda-anual-em-julho-corrente.html#.YtgDYnbMLIU

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