Falling Apple Market in Argentina

Apr, 05, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202214

Apple sales in Argentina registered a considerable drop in the first two months of 2022, mainly associated with crop losses due to frosts and hailstorms in the spring. The losses are estimated at  30% of last year’s output.

According to available data, over 27,700 tonnes of apples were traded, reflecting a 47% drop in the volume year-on-year and a 58% decrease in the first two months of 2020.

The crop failure affected both domestic and foreign sales. In the first two months of this year, sales to the domestic market fell by 35% compared to the same period in 2021 with 20,042 tonnes, and only 2,500 tonnes were exported, which is 62% less than in the same period in 2021.

The concentrate industry was not oblivious to this loss of volume. Official data highlight that just over 5,100 tons of apples were destined for the production of concentrated juices. That’s almost 9,000 tonnes less than last year.

Source: Citrus BR

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