Federal Government aims to expand perimeter alongside railway tracks in Brazil
Jun, 27, 2024 Posted by Sylvia SchandertWeek 202426
The Federal Government intends to broaden the definitions of railway right-of-way zones, aiming to reduce urban conflicts and deter thefts. Currently, the perimeter extends 15 meters on each side of the railway track. ln theory, this space should not be occupied by buildings and can even be fenced off. However, the reality is different, with disorderly occupation leading to the emergence of many houses near the tracks, including in Baixada Santista.
Earlier this month, the region was highlighted as a criticai point for thefts from wagons bound for the Port of Santos, during a public hearing on railway security held by the Chamber of Deputies’ Transportation Committee.
ln a statement, the Ministry of Transportation announced the formation of a task force coordinated by the National Department of lnfrastructure of Transport (DNIT), aimed to update the premises that establish the width of railway strips. The group will include participation from the Ministry of Transportation, the National Land Transport Agency (ANTT), the Federal Justice Council (CJF) and the National Association of Railway Transporters (ANTF).
“The task force will contribute to enhance transport safety, land use planning and public policies that engage with the socio-environmental context. The intention is for these criteria to become part of DNIT’s regulatory framework, with the possibility of proposing legislative advances that provide greater legal certainty for properties adjancent to the righ-of-way”, the ministry further stated.
The ministry asserts that its efforts focus on improving railway traffic flow, reducing urban conflicts and enhancing operational speed of the system. “There are no studies underway for the overhaul of the Railway Law”.
Public Hearing
During a public hearing earlier this month in Brasília, national secretary of Railway Transportation Leonardo Cezar Ribeiro emphasized the need to expand the country’s railway network. However, he noted the importance of striking a balance between cargo security, local population safety, economic viability and contractual predictability. “Auctions involve economic, financial and social studies”.
He observed that railway security is not fully covered by the market. For this reason, he stressed the need for public investment and suggested that public private partnerships (PPP) could ensure project viability.
The National Association of Railway Transporters (ANTF) reported that, since its establishment in 1996, it had only registered isolated cases of cargo theft. This is in contrast to hte incidents reported in Baixada Santista in late 2022 and early 2023.
The actions of criminals (in the region) have harmed businessm the flow of all types of cargo by rail and the country’s economy”.
However, ANTF stated that law enforcement authorities tool necessary measures to maintain operational integrity. “The work of police intelligence, coupled with cooperation from the railway sector, has resulted in successful actions such as arrests of individuals involved in criminal schemes and recoveru of part the stolen cargo”.
Crime concerns companies
Rumo reported that the railway sector has faced a series of attacks by a criminal network engaged in cargo theft and vandalism in Baixada Santista.
ln response, the concessionaire stated that has invested in private security, deploying professional teams and implementing electronic security systems, in addition to maintaining “frequent contacts with the Public Security Secretariat and the overall commands of the Military and Civil polices, leading efforts to combat these crimes”.
The company emphasized that combating crime is a priority and has supported ongoing operations by providing information on the attacks suffered to support continuous operations involving police intelligence and the judiciary. “AII incidents are promptly reported to the police authorities and the company stands ready to assist ongoing investigations”.
Rumo added that it has “strengthened its intelligence structure to enhance personal protection for its direct and outsourced employees, ensuring a safer working environment”.
The Managing Association of the Internai Railway of the Port of Santos (AG-Fips) confirmed that it also faces criminality in Baixada Santista, operating within the internai area of the Port of Santos. lt stated that it “collaborates with various Public Security institutions and the Port Guard, providing detailed information on incidents to support all authorities in preventing criminal acts and actions”.
Contacted for comment, VLI stated that its position is communicated through the National Association of Railway Transporters (ANTF).
Rare occurrences
MRS stated that “cargo theft in the railway is normally rare” due to “specific modal characteristics that hinder this type if crime, making rail transport one of the safest means for cargo transportation”.
The company mentioned maintaining partnerships and communication with public securitu agencies to combat incidentes reported in the region. Besides armed escort services form compositions, MRS utilizes technology such as strategic monitoring cameras.
MRS provided a hotline open to the public. Situations of risk or inappropriate behavior near the railway can be reported at 0800-9793636.
Source: A Tribuna
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