
Federal Revenue strike keeps Argentine wheat stuck in the Port of Santos

Apr, 13, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202215

The wheat industry union of the state of São Paulo (Sindustrigo) reported that about 38 thousand tonnes of imported wheat are being held in the Port of Santos, awaiting release from the Federal Revenue.

“We are seeing many cases of unjustified wheat clearance delays. The cargo stuck at the port is from Argentina. It was imported according to Mercosur agreements by mills that have been doing this for at least 20 years. We do not have a new factor that explains the delay in the operation that, in normal times, would take 3 to 5 days to complete,” said the president of Sindustrigo, Valnei Origuela.

According to the entity, the cereal unloaded at the port gets stored in silos while awaiting analysis by the Federal Revenue, which “impairs the flow of grain and hinders the unloading of new cargo”.

“The delay in releasing the wheat shipments held at Santos produces an imbalance because the port’s silos are full, making additional grain vessels unable to unload. This movement can result in hefty expenses for importing mills, which pay between US$ 35,000 and 40,000 per day to ships anchored at the port awaiting release to unload,” explained Origuela.

In Sindustrigo’s assessment, the delay in releasing cargo generates a chain effect on the sector’s logistics, as it delays the flow of other loads. “Until these 38 thousand tonnes of wheat are cleared from the port, we can register the arrival of new vessels, but they will have to wait for the silos to have enough room to unload their cargo,” concluded him.

See below the chart of month-by-month wheat imports through the Port of Santos in 2021. Data are from DataLiner.

Wheat Imports through the Port of Santos | 2021 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Source: Canal Rural

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