Ports and Terminals

Federal Revenue Warehouse Caught Fire in the Port of Santos

Feb, 19, 2024 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202408

A warehouse belonging to the Brazilian Federal Revenue Service was destroyed due to a fire at the Port of Santos in São Paulo. The incident occurred in the early hours of Monday (19).

Firefighters were called around 1 a.m. and worked to contain the flames throughout the night. As of Monday morning, the fire was still ongoing at the site.

Despite the incident, there were no injuries reported. In a statement, the Federal Government said it is closely monitoring the situation. “The Federal Revenue Service is closely observing the situation. Authorities from the institution in the state of São Paulo have been mobilized since early morning to follow the case. As soon as we have more information, we will provide it to the press,” it said.

Source: Portal T5

Click here to read the original text: https://www.portalt5.com.br/noticias/brasil/2024/02/529249-galpao-da-receita-federal-e-destruido-durante-incendio-no-porto-de-santos/

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