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Federation confirms the shipment of 30 thousand tonnes of paddy rice to Mexico

May, 19, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202220

The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico announced the shipment of 30 thousand tonnes of paddy rice to the country. The information was disclosed by the Rice Growers Federation of Rio Grande do Sul (Fedearroz). This is the second Brazilian shipment of paddy rice, as 25,000 tonnes had already been exported last year after a mission at Expo Antad & Alimentaria, in Guadalajara, at the end of October.

According to the entity’s president, Alexandre Velho, the measure is part of the anti-inflation package launched by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador. “We stay committed to that market to provide a benchmark for the domestic market, reduce the offer, and give the producers fair prices,” stresses.

Mexico created an anti-inflation package a few days ago. Among the plan topics is the zero import tax for primary products and inputs valid for six months, including paddy rice. With the news, trading companies are already looking for products to do business with the country. In April last year, Mexico had already officially opened the import tax exemption for Brazilian paddy rice to a quota of 75,000 tonnes by the end of 2021.

Source: Canal Rural

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