Ferroeste boosts Paraná economy with 13% increase in handlings in 2021
Feb, 10, 2022 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202206
The Ferroeste railway (Paraná S/A Rail Line) ended the year in an upturn due to the strong flow of agricultural products and the confidence of its investors. As a result, according to the company’s annual balance sheet, released on Thursday, February 10, the railway transported 1,566,200 tons of products, a volume 13% higher than the previous year (1,382,600 tons) and 33% higher than 2019 (1,172,000 tons).
The positive balance seen is mostly due to the flow of grains, mainly soybeans. In total, 920,339 tons of the commodity passed through Ferroeste, up 15% from 2020 (795 thousand/ton), helping to boost the handling records of Portos do Paraná (the company that manages that state’s public ports) as well as the Paraná’s trade balance, which was positive in 2021.
Containers with animal protein also increased the railway flow at the state. In 2021, 384,230 tons of fresh and frozen pork and chicken were transported, an increase of 12% compared to the previous year (340 thousand/ton).
The products transported by the train tracks comes from cooperatives located in Cascavel and other municipalities in the region. In addition, trucks from Mato Grosso do Sul and other states unload large volumes of soybeans and corn at the company’s central terminal.About 40% of this total arrives in Guarapuava for processing, while 60% travels to the Port of Paranaguá, from which the production ships to other continents, particularly Asia.
The company’s operating profit reached R$ 5.4 million in 2021 (discounting depreciation). Profits are in constant growth since 2019 (R$ 450 thousand) and 2020 (R$ 1.4 million).
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