Ports and Terminals

First phase complete of the rio grande port pavement

Feb, 02, 2023 Posted by Lillian Smoak

Week 202306

The first phase of paving the internal roads of the Port of Rio Grande, which began in November 2022, was completed in January 2023. Portos RS invested BRL 3.5 million in carrying out the project. Soon, a new bidding process will be launched to select the company that will carry out the second stage of planned structure projects.

The jobs carried out in the first stage were: the application of asphalt over 20,000 square meters of internal roads, the construction of new accesses with reinforced concrete at the entrance to the scales and carrying out interventions in the drainage system of the public wharf.

According to the Director of Infrastructure at Portos RS, Lucas Meurer, the work done was old demands from the port community. “The interventions carried out will improve the day-to-day operations of the port. This was the first stage of a complete recovery that we will continue later this year.”

The director also pointed out that the dredging of the access channel and the paving of the docks of the Port of Rio Grande were treated as a priority by the Infrastructure department of Portos RS, starting the moment the status of autarchy changed to a public company.

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