Fresh Fruits and Fish Take Center Stage in Chilean Exports to Brazil
Nov, 09, 2023 Posted by Gabriel MalheirosWeek 202345
With shipments exceeding $1.93 billion in the first nine months of the year, Brazil remains the key strategic market in Latin America for Chilean exporters, particularly in the fishing and fish farming sectors. This industry has amassed sales of $645 million between January and September 2023 (1.2% more than the same period last year), with the Brazilian market representing 9.4% of the total shipped.
Total sales of Chilean salmon and trout reached $622 million in the analyzed period, a 0.9% increase compared to the same period in 2022, followed by fish oil, with $14 million (22.1%), and fish and crustacean meals, with $2 million (22.7%), according to information from a non-copper and non-lithium export report from ProChile – an institution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile.
“The high quality recognized by Brazilian consumers of Chilean salmon and trout, coupled with the maintenance of a good trade relationship between the two countries, is one of the reasons why our product shipments continue to expand, consolidating Brazil as our main strategic market for fishing and aquaculture in Latin America. We also have the best prices, making our product competitive,” says Hugo Corales, Commercial Director of ProChile in Brazil.
Due to its high Omega-3 content, salmon is a healthy and beneficial addition to a balanced and nutritious diet.
Fresh fruits
Brazil remains one of the main importing markets for fresh fruits from Chile. Chilean fresh apples take the lead, with sales surpassing $45 million between January and September this year, a 3.5% increase compared to the same period in 2022. Increases were also notable for fresh kiwis, with $23 million, a 55.3% rise from 2022, and fresh plums, with sales of $19 million (13.3%).
Source: Comex do Brasil
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