
Frosts hit coffee and sugar cane plantations

Jul, 08, 2019 Posted by datamarnews

Week 201928

Frost hit several regions of the country last weekend, including areas producing coffee, sugar cane, corn, and wheat.

The cooperatives and companies that work in the sector sent their technicians to the field to evaluate the situation.

Sugar and ethanol producer São Martinho SA, for example, said that frost hit 12,000 hectares of cane plantations. However, the company expects that any losses in production will be small.

The coffee cooperative Minasul, in Minas Gerais, said the frosts mainly hit lowlands and mountains. “We are still evaluating, but it seems clear that there will be some impact on production,” said Minasul president José Marcos Magalhães.

A better evaluation of the coffee and sugarcane fields will probably take a few days.

Brazil is in the midst of the coffee harvest; therefore, any impact will only be felt in next year’s crop.

Traders were expecting a record harvest in 2020, but it is now unclear if production could surpass the record of 2018 near 62m bags of 60kg.

Source: Reuters


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