Fruit exports from Brazil exceed US$ 1 billion in 2021

Jan, 11, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202202

Fruit exports from Brazil totaled over 1.19 million kg (including citrus and melon peels) in 2021, a record figure and 18 percent more than in 2020. In terms of revenue, a little over $1 billion was collected, an increase of 19 percent over the previous year. The information comes from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex).

Overall, according to Esalq/USP’s Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics (Cepea, in Portuguese), fruit exports from Brazil were favored by the appreciation of the dollar and euro compared to the Real, along with the steady supply of some fruits (such as mangoes, grapes, and apples), consistent demand, and a sluggish domestic market, which made foreign sales even more appealing in 2021.

Check the chart below for a comparison of Brazilian fruit exports in the last three years. The data is from the DataLiner:

Brazilian Fruit Exports (Ch. 08) | Jan to Nov 2019-2021 | WTMT

Source: DataLiner (click here to request a demo)

Still according to Cepea, three of these four factors are likely to continue to favor fruit exports in 2022: the high-valued dollar, the hot demand from buyers, and the slowing local market (since Brazilian economic projections are not yet very encouraging).

In terms of supply, the outlook may not be as optimistic as it was in 2021, owing to rainfalls in some fruit-exporting regions, such as the São Francisco Valley (PE / BA), which may hamper output and quality.

Other markets, such as apple-producing regions in the south of the country, are suffering from drought, which, added to the negative two-year period of fuji apples in 2021/22, could reduce the availability of the fruit.

Source: Rural Channel

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