
Global coffee exports fell 6.5% in July

Sep, 06, 2022 Posted by Gabriel Malheiros

Week 202236

Global coffee exports totaled 10.12 million bags in July, down 6.5% from 10.83 million bags in July 2021, said the International Coffee Organization (ICO).

In the ten months of the coffee year 2021/22 (October last year to July 2022), shipments stood at 108.8 million bags. The volume is 0.3% lower than the same period of the previous season.

Arabica exports dropped 3.3%, to 80.25 million bags, in the 12 months ended in July. Brazil is the largest global exporter of this variety. On the other hand, robusta coffee shipments increased 4.2% in 12 months to 48.9 million bags.

Source: Valor Econômico

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